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The 4 reasons to maintain your pipes

Pipes are put to the test daily. Over time, they can become clogged and eventually blocked. A few simple steps can prevent this problem.

We rarely think about them and yet, when they are clogged, we realize the importance of maintaining the pipes in a home. Once clogged, the pipes become unusable and cause many inconveniences that can impact comfort and daily life.


Whether it’s a clogged toilet, a shower with a difficult flow or a backflow of odors from the sink, finding a solution quickly is essential. Since this impacts daily hygiene, the maintenance of the pipes is to be taken seriously. Apart from your own discomfort, it can also be a concern for your guests.


Wasting time on a sink that drains slowly, or worse, a completely clogged toilet, can ruin your day. By taking care to maintain the pipes regularly, they no longer become clogged and therefore no longer clog.


Flushing the toilet several times to try in vain to eliminate the toilet paper, calling a professional to unclog a bathtub that no longer empties,… Between water waste and unnecessary expenses, the purchase of pipe maintenance can be be very beneficial!


These days, every little bit counts. Water is a scarce commodity for some and poorly maintained pipes can cause you to waste a lot of it. By maintaining the pipes, you also maintain the environment and your wallet.

But ultimately, what causes these blockages ? More often than not, soap, hair, and food scraps clump together and create clogs. A few preventive actions can slow down the clogging of the pipes :

  • Use a grid or “strainer” over the sink hole. This will trap dirt that could clog the pipes.
  • Empty your plates in the trash before rinsing them to avoid spilling food in the sink.
  • Absolutely avoid spilling oils which congeal with the cold creating greasy plugs.
  • Pick up and dispose of hair in the trash rather than in the sink or shower.
  • Use our EPUR pipe maintenance every week : 2 plugs in each pipe to prevent the formation of plugs, in order to maintain and deodorize your pipes in a single step. So, you will only have to buy a bottle that will last +/- 6 months and you will remain hassle-free !
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